Visit by Murakami Higashi Junior High School in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture


Murakami Higashi Junior High School in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture, conducts company visits as part of their career path studies.

This time, we received a request for a company visit with the aim of providing an opportunity to broaden their social perspective and insight, to think about their own way of life and career path, and to learn about the SDGs initiatives of Japan’s most advanced companies.

President and CEO of AirMobility Inc., Mr. Asai, and one person in charge of the visit gave a presentation on flying cars, including the initiatives of the company, using slides and video clips. They also answered various questions from the students, such as the development status of flying cars, flight conditions, whether they can be used on a daily basis and their relationship with the SDGs.
The students were very interested in the project from start to finish.

We will continue to actively engage in such opportunities in the future.

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